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Posts tagged 'Batyscaphe'

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Makarevich plunged in batyscaphe to the bottom of Lake Baikal

2 августа 2009 г. 276 просмотры

Макаревич погрузился на батискафе



One of the founders of the "Batiskaf" chain - Andrey Makarevich - plunged in deep-sea vehicle "Mir-2" to the bottom of Lake Baikal.

 Andrey Makarevich plunged to a depth of 1 400 meters to explore the cape range and find artifacts. It is interesting that on 1st of August at the same lake, and at the same batyscaphe dive took place the plunging of Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin. 

The goal of the expidition - a study of hydrothermal and mud volcanoes. 


Posts tagged 'Batyscaphe'

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Makarevich plunged in batyscaphe to the bottom of Lake Baikal

2 августа 2009 г. 276 просмотры

Макаревич погрузился на батискафе



One of the founders of the "Batiskaf" chain - Andrey Makarevich - plunged in deep-sea vehicle "Mir-2" to the bottom of Lake Baikal.

 Andrey Makarevich plunged to a depth of 1 400 meters to explore the cape range and find artifacts. It is interesting that on 1st of August at the same lake, and at the same batyscaphe dive took place the plunging of Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin. 

The goal of the expidition - a study of hydrothermal and mud volcanoes.